Monday, October 3, 2022

Nigeria at Sixty-two


62nd Birthday for a nation like Nigeria has come with celebrations amid a cacophony of terrorist bomb-blasts and sonic booms from the rattling machine guns of terrorists nationwide. May God Almighty protect Nigeria and her citizens.

There is every need for the Government to rearm and restrategise effectively our dissolute security services to overcome the hit-and-run guerilla warfare antics of the ruthless terrorists.

From the Beginning

It all began when the massed bands of the Armed Forces, conducted by the Late Major Akaahan solemnly rendered the National Anthem at midnight 1st October 1960 and the National Flag was ceremoniously unfurled at lndependence Square Lagos to usher in a new era of hope and great expectations

The entire country went into ecstatic contagious celebrations. The dazzling fireworks that followed immediately ripped through the low cascading murky clouds and brightly illuminated the city's skyline. Nigeria is endowed with multiple untapped mineral resources including gold, silver and other precious stones; the most populous nation in Africa.

This ceremony held out great promise for Africa and indeed the entire black world. With a resilient manpower, Nigeria laid a dominant role in the UN peace-keeping operations round the world.

However, the country's poignant march towards grand statehood was intermittently interrupted by several factors including military coups, malfeasances both in Government and the private sector, dissolute security services rife with incompetence, an inscrutable totally unreliable economy, and unending blood-thirsty terrorist and kidnapping activities.

As the country hobbles and wobbles dangerously towards unknown destination as the politicians gear up for the 2023 General Elections.  may God Almighty sanctify every Nigerian with the spirits of forgiveness, love and compassion as they eschew bigotry  and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with each other in grief and resolve.

Amb Denis Ukume MFR.


1 comment:

  1. Long live Nigeria. May the next leader come 2023 herald a new phase for Nigeria.
